Here is the work I’ve done over the years. Or at least, the part I can show you.

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Z23 – Event recording
RV – Book promotion video series
Z23 – video interview editing
Z23 – logo intro animation
GLS23 – Event live recording
BI – Event recording and shooting
Legernocast S1 – Long form video live recording
LJ – Portrait shooting
RKS – Game shooting
RKS – Portrait shooting
LJ – Personal portfolio website
FM – Short commercial recording
FM – Product shooting
MČ – birthday video recording and editing
BP – Real estate video editing
Č23 – Photo and video production
CRC – Photo and video procution
EFA – Event shooting
EFA – Logo animation
KP – Music video production


Z22 – Event recording
SK – Video series prodcution and projection
GLS22 – Event live recording
MSM – TV pilot episode recording and BTS shooting
AP – Short film recording
Č22 – Photo and video production
TM – Short film pre, production and postproduction
GR – City drone filming

≤ 2021.

ANK – Short film postproduction
ZK – Short film pre, production and postproduction
MM – Short film pre, production and postproduction
LK – Short film pre, production and postproduction
TCH – YouTube channel project



Subjects who did not give permission to be listed may be missing.

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